

Streaming directional instruments over the Internet


Markus Noisternig, Franz Zotter, RĂ©mi Desmonet, and Winfried Ritsch


In contemporary music performance the sound of live instruments often coexists with electronic sounds. Numerous studies have shown that radiation patterns of natural sound sources vary with frequency and time. This affects the reverberant sound field of a room and hence the perception of timbre of the sound at the listener's position. Thus, reproducing not only the temporal and spectral but also the spatially varying radiation pattern becomes a challenging task in virtual audio environments. One topic of ongoing research is the measurement, reproduction, and compact description of sound radiation patterns. The wave field expansion in spherical coordinates provides a general description format, which is independent of the sound field rendering technique applied. This article discusses how simultaneous recordings with a spherical microphone array can be applied to streaming concerts. A soloist player is recorded in the semi-anechoic chamber of the University in Graz and the audio and video data is streamed in real-time to IRCAM, where it is reproduced as virtual sound source on stage using an eighty channel WFS array.

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